被控在威胁加油站雇员后进行恐怖主义威胁、纵火准备和种族恐吓。 Man charged with terrorism threats, arson prep, and ethnic intimidation after threatening gas station employee.
11月22日Pontiac加油站发生一起事件后,一名来自Waterford的28岁男子被指控犯有多项罪行,包括恐怖主义威胁、纵火准备和种族恐吓。 No matter the discrepancies in details, a 28-year-old man from Waterford was charged with multiple offenses, including terrorism threats, arson preparation, and ethnic intimidation, after an incident at a Pontiac gas station on November 22nd. 他威胁一名雇员,在商店里倒汽油,并拒绝逮捕。 He threatened an employee, poured gasoline in the store, and resisted arrest. 若被定罪,他将面临长达29年的监禁。 If convicted, he faces up to 29 years in prison.