2 月 9 日,蒙大拿州 Phillips 66 Billings 炼油厂发生火灾,产生烟雾;没有受伤、疏散或爆炸风险的报告;原因正在调查中。 Fire at Phillips 66 Billings Refinery in Montana on Feb 9 resulted in smoke; no injuries, evacuations or explosion risk reported; cause under investigation.
2 月 9 日星期五下午 2:30 左右,蒙大拿州 Phillips 66 Billings 炼油厂发生火灾,产生可见烟雾。 A fire occurred at the Phillips 66 Billings Refinery in Montana on Friday, February 9, at approximately 2:30 p.m., resulting in visible smoke. 应急响应人员以及 Phillips 66 和比林斯消防局的人员立即做出反应,没有人员受伤,所有人员都已到账。 Emergency responders and personnel from Phillips 66 and the Billings Fire Department immediately responded, and no injuries were reported, with all personnel accounted for. 社区内空气监测未发现任何结果,事件原因仍在调查中。 Air monitoring within the community demonstrated no findings and the cause of the event remains under investigation. 市政府官员建议位于浓烟下风向的居民搬迁,但没有发布疏散或就地避难的命令,也没有爆炸风险的报道。 Residents downwind from the plumes of smoke were advised by city officials to relocate, but no evacuations or shelter-in-place orders were issued, and there was no reported risk of explosion.