8月21日,西凯洛纳的北边工业发生大火,促使撤离,目前正在调查中。 Large fire at Northside Industries in West Kelowna on August 21, prompted evacuations and is under investigation.
8月21日,位于西凯洛纳的一家重型制造设施Northside Industries发生大火,由于压缩气瓶的存在,造成重大损坏,并促使附近企业撤离。 A large fire erupted at Northside Industries, a heavy manufacturing facility in West Kelowna, on August 21 causing significant damage and prompting evacuations of nearby businesses due to the presence of compressed gas cylinders. 所有雇员均安全撤离。 All employees were safely evacuated. 火灾于上午9时02分开始,后来升级为结构火灾。 The fire, which began at 9:02 a.m., was later upgraded to a structure fire. 虽然未报告有人受伤,但火灾仍在调查之中。 While no injuries were reported, the fire remains under investigation. 在Westlake和Ross公路之间的地区有应急车辆,当局正建议公众避开该地区。 Emergency vehicles are present in the area between Westlake and Ross roads, and authorities are advising the public to avoid the area. 消防员已经控制了大部分的火灾,并将留在现场,直至熄灭热点。 Firefighters have gained control over the majority of the fire and will remain on-site to extinguish hotspots.