前新泽西州记者亚历克斯·兹丹 (Alex Zdan) 因腐败指控参与共和党竞选参议员梅南德斯的席位,重点关注美墨边境。 Former NJ reporter, Alex Zdan, enters Republican bid for Sen. Menendez's seat amid corruption charges, focusing on U.S.-Mexico border.
前新泽西州新闻记者亚历克斯·兹丹(Alex Zdan)宣布竞选目前由面临联邦腐败指控的民主党参议员鲍勃·梅嫩德斯(Bob Menendez)担任的美国参议院席位。 A former New Jersey news reporter, Alex Zdan, has announced his candidacy for the U.S. Senate seat currently held by Democratic Senator Bob Menendez, who is facing federal corruption charges. 兹丹以在镜头前的咄咄逼人的举止而闻名,他作为共和党人参加竞选,并将美墨边境作为一个关键的竞选问题,呼吁结束非法越境。 Zdan, known for his aggressive on-camera demeanor, is running as a Republican and has focused on the U.S.-Mexico border as a key campaign issue, calling for an end to illegal border crossings. 他加入了一个不断壮大的共和党阵营,其中包括门德姆自治市市长克里斯汀·塞拉诺·格拉斯纳和新泽西州南部商人柯蒂斯·巴肖。 He joins a growing GOP field which includes Mendham Borough Mayor Christine Serrano Glassner and southern New Jersey businessman Curtis Bashaw.