报告突出强调了常青联学校的DEI做法,指出这些做法可能与最高法院关于平权行动的裁决相冲突。 Report highlights Ivy League schools' DEI practices, suggesting they may conflict with Supreme Court rulings on affirmative action.
Cornell教授William Jacobson领导的平等保护项目的一份报告指出,所有八所常青联大学都开展了广泛的多样性、公平和包容(DEI)培训和办公室。 A report by the Equal Protection Project, led by Cornell professor William Jacobson, reveals that all eight Ivy League universities have implemented extensive diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) training and offices. 尽管有人声称不考虑种族问题,但报告表明,这些学校在实践中经常这样做,例如通过作文机会让学生讨论自己的种族问题。 Despite claims of not considering race, the report suggests these schools often do so in practice, such as through essay opportunities that allow students to discuss their race. 报告旨在强调在常春藤大学中DEI的普遍性及其与最高法院关于肯定行动的裁决可能存在冲突. The report aims to highlight the prevalence of DEI in Ivy League institutions and its potential conflict with Supreme Court rulings on affirmative action.