安大略法庭裁定城市过境规则歧视土著家庭,裁定赔偿45 000美元。 Ontario tribunal rules city transit discriminated against Indigenous family, awards $45,000.
安大略人权法庭裁定,北湾市的过境部门歧视土著Nakogee家庭,因其外表而拒绝为他们提供公共汽车服务。 The Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario has ruled that the City of North Bay's transit department discriminated against the Indigenous Nakogee family by refusing them bus service due to their appearance. 该家庭获得了45 000美元的赔偿金。 The family was awarded $45,000 in compensation. 法庭批评过境系统对申诉反应不力,并下令为所有工作人员举办由专家牵头的关于种族歧视和土著文化能力的培训方案。 The tribunal criticized the transit system's inadequate response to the complaint and ordered an expert-led training program on racial discrimination and Indigenous cultural competence for all staff.