RFK Jr.:我代表巴勒斯坦东部地区受害者。 RFK Jr.: I’m Representing E. Palestine Victims.
独立总统候选人小罗伯特·肯尼迪 (Robert F. Kennedy Jr.) 周六宣布,他代表 2023 年 2 月 3 日发生的东巴勒斯坦灾难的受害者。 Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. announced on Saturday that he is representing the victims of the East Palestine disaster, which occurred on February 3, 2023. 这场灾难涉及一列载有危险化学品的火车脱轨,有毒物质释放到空气和地面,污染水源,并导致鱼类死亡。 The disaster involved a train carrying hazardous chemicals derailing, releasing toxic substances into the air and ground, poisoning the water supply, and killing fish. 肯尼迪表示,作为律师,他代表受害者,作为总统,他将努力确保此类事故不再发生。 Kennedy stated that as an attorney, he is representing the victims, and as President, he would strive to ensure that such accidents do not happen again.