一年后有毒火车脱轨周年纪念日,乔·拜登总统计划于下个月访问俄亥俄州东巴勒斯坦。 On the anniversary of the poisonous train derailment one year from now, President Joe Biden is scheduled to visit East Palestine, Ohio, the following month.
乔·拜登总统最终将于下个月访问俄亥俄州东巴勒斯坦,一年前该地区有毒火车出轨污染了周围的空气和水道。 President Joe Biden will finally visit East Palestine, Ohio, next month, a year after a toxic train derailment in the area contaminated the surrounding air and waterways. 白宫确认此次访问恰逢出轨一周年纪念日。 The White House confirmed the trip to coincide with the one-year anniversary of the derailment. 拜登因在事件发生后的几周和几个月内没有访问该社区而受到批评。 Biden faced criticism for not visiting the community in the weeks and months following the incident.