耶和华见证会长者没有报告继父承认的对其继女的性虐待,强迫她离开家。 Jehovah's Witness elders failed to report a stepfather's admitted sexual abuse of his stepdaughter, forcing her from her home.
一名妇女向耶和华见证人教会长老报告说,1980年至1983年13至16岁时,她遭到继父的性虐待。 A woman reported to Jehovah's Witness church elders that she was sexually abused by her stepfather between 1980 and 1983 when she was 13 to 16 years old. 虐待发生数十次,但长老们没有报告,允许虐待继续下去。 The abuse happened dozens of times, but the elders failed to report it, allowing it to continue. 继父承认受到虐待,并操纵家庭,导致受害者被迫离开家。 The stepfather admitted to the abuse and manipulated the family, leading to the victim being forced out of the house.