消防员在直升机的协助下,在奥克兰的Waitākere地区与灌木丛火作斗争。 Firefighters, aided by helicopters, combat a bush fire in Auckland's Waitākere Ranges.
消防员正在奥克兰Te Aute Ridge和Bethells路附近的Waitākere山脉与灌木丛火作斗争。 Firefighters are battling a bush fire in Auckland's Waitākere Ranges near Te Aute Ridge and Bethells Roads. 由于地形陡峭,地面机组人员面临挑战,因此三架直升机正在协助向大火上浇水。 Due to steep terrain, ground crews face challenges, so three helicopters are assisting by dropping water on the blaze. Fire and Emergency建议公众在对火灾感到担忧时,可拨打111通电话。 Fire and Emergency advises the public to call 111 if concerned about the fire. 警方已意识到情况,但尚未对现场作出实际反应。 Police are aware of the situation but have not yet responded physically to the scene.