新西兰克赖斯特彻奇附近发生火灾,火灾规模翻了一番,但快速反应阻止了撤离行动。 A scrub fire near Christchurch, New Zealand, doubled in size, but quick response prevented evacuations.
新西兰基督城 Port Hills 附近的 Taylors Mistake 发生一场可疑的灌木丛火灾后,规模扩大了一倍。 A suspicious scrub fire doubled in size after breaking out at Taylors Mistake, near Christchurch's Port Hills in New Zealand. 消防队和新西兰紧急部队迅速作出反应,从多个地点派出人员,防止在附近的营地进行疏散。 Fire and Emergency New Zealand responded quickly with crews from multiple locations, preventing evacuations at a nearby campsite. 由于干燥的条件,火灾风险很高。 The fire risk is high due to dry conditions. 拥有这片土地的环保部将与坎特伯雷降低风险团队会面,讨论缓解策略。 The Department of Conservation, which owns the land, will meet with the Canterbury Risk Reduction team to discuss mitigation strategies.