纽约市上西区一列地铁列车与另一列列车相撞后脱轨。 A subway train derailed after colliding with another train in New York City's Upper West Side.
纽约市上西区两列地铁列车相撞,造成一列列车脱轨,造成多人受伤。 Two subway trains collided on the Upper West Side of New York City, causing one train to derail and multiple injuries. 应急小组正在协助乘客并进行调查。 Emergency teams are assisting passengers and conducting an investigation. 大都会交通管理局报告 1/2/3 服务严重中断,曼哈顿大部分地区没有 1/2/3 服务。 The Metropolitan Transportation Authority reported a major disruption to 1/2/3 service, with most of Manhattan experiencing no 1/2/3 service.