芭芭拉·科克伦认为,四十岁以后找工作,保持活力至关重要。 According to Barbara Corcoran, having vitality is essential for finding employment after the age of forty.
房地产大亨、《创智赢家》明星芭芭拉·科克兰认为,40 岁以后成功找到工作的关键在于一件事:活力。 Real estate mogul and "Shark Tank" star Barbara Corcoran believes the key to successfully landing a job after 40 lies in one thing: vitality. 在最近与她的 Patreon 社区进行的现场问答中,Corcoran 分享了她对工作场所年龄歧视的看法,以及如何在工作面试中展现出最好的一面。 In a recent live Q&A with her Patreon community, Corcoran shared her thoughts on ageism in the workplace and how to put your best foot forward during a job interview. 她强调了表现出活力、充满活力和热情的重要性,以克服雇主因年龄而产生的潜在犹豫。 She emphasized the importance of appearing vital, full of life, and enthusiastic to overcome potential employer hesitation due to age.