因强奸一名西班牙游客在都柏林受审, 重点是性交是否是双方同意的。 Man on trial in Dublin for raping a Spanish tourist, with focus on whether intercourse was consensual.
一名33岁的男子在都柏林受审, 他被指控在2019年新年日强奸一名西班牙游客。 A 33-year-old man is on trial in Dublin, accused of raping a Spanish tourist on New Year's Day 2019. 男子否认指控,声称会面是双方同意的。 The man denies the charge, claiming the encounter was consensual. 检察官认为,该妇女喝醉太多,无法表示同意。 Prosecutors argue that the woman was too intoxicated to give consent. 审判预计持续一周半,重点将是性交是否为双方同意。 The trial, expected to last a week and a half, will focus on whether the sexual intercourse was consensual.