15岁的爱尔兰男孩因涉嫌强奸18岁的爱尔兰游客而在西班牙被捕。 15-year-old Irish boy arrested in Spain on suspicion of raping 18-year-old Irish tourist.
一名15岁的爱尔兰男孩因涉嫌强奸一名18岁的爱尔兰游客而在西班牙Salou被捕。 A 15-year-old Irish boy was arrested in Salou, Spain, on suspicion of raping an 18-year-old Irish tourist. 逮捕是在据称袭击发生后不久发生的,袭击发生在他们见面的酒吧外面。 The arrest occurred shortly after the alleged assault, which took place outside a pub where they met. 受害人提供了一份说明,表明嫌疑人的身份。 The victim provided a description that led to the suspect's identification. 他目前被关押在巴塞罗那的一个青年拘留中心。 He is currently held in a youth detention center in Barcelona. 如果提出指控,爱尔兰有可能进行审判。 There is a possibility of a trial in Ireland if charges are filed.