三名男子被指控强奸一名在都柏林夜总会遇到的醉酒妇女, Trial nears end for three men accused of raping a drunk woman they met at a Dublin nightclub.
对3名男子(34至42岁)的审判已接近尾声,他们被指控强奸和性攻击一名在都柏林夜总会遇到的醉酒妇女。 The trial of three men, aged 34 to 42, accused of raping and sexually assaulting a highly intoxicated woman they met at a Dublin nightclub is nearing its end. 这些人对2019年8月31日发生的7项强奸和性攻击指控表示不认罪。 The men have pleaded not guilty to seven counts of rape and sexual assault that occurred on August 31, 2019. 控方辩称该妇女不同意,而辩方则质疑她的记忆可靠性。 The prosecution argues the woman did not consent, while the defense questions her memory's reliability. 陪审团将考虑确定他们有罪。 The jury will deliberate to determine their guilt.