三名男子在都柏林因强奸一名在夜总会遇到的妇女而面临审判。 Three men face trial in Dublin for raping a woman they met in a nightclub, with consent and her intoxication key issues.
3名34至42岁的男子在都柏林受审,罪名是强奸和性攻击一名在夜总会遇到的妇女。 Three men aged 34 to 42 are on trial in Dublin for raping and sexually assaulting a woman they met in a nightclub. 他们否认了据称于2019年8月31日在都柏林的一辆车和一栋房屋内发生的七起强奸和性攻击指控。 They deny seven counts of rape and sexual assault that allegedly occurred on August 31, 2019, in a car and a Dublin house. 妇女对事件的回忆是零散的,案件取决于同意问题,并有证据表明她醉得非常严重。 The woman's recollection of the events is fragmented, and the case hinges on the issue of consent, with evidence suggesting she was highly intoxicated. 审判继续。 The trial continues.