反移民活动家Philip Dwyer首次在爱尔兰使用警方摄像头录像被判有罪。 Anti-immigration activist Philip Dwyer was convicted using police bodycam footage for the first time in Ireland.
反移民活动家Philip Dwyer首次在爱尔兰使用Garda 尸体摄像头录像被判有罪,因在都柏林Cololock暴乱期间未能离开该地区而被判处两个月缓刑。 Anti-immigration activist Philip Dwyer was convicted using Garda body-cam footage for the first time in Ireland, receiving a two-month suspended sentence for failing to leave the area during riots in Coolock, Dublin. Dwyer还被罚款500欧元,两年内每三个月必须向缓刑处报告一次。 Dwyer was also fined €500 and must report to the Probation Service every three months for two years. 暴动是在宣布计划将国际保护申请者安置在一家前工厂之后发生的。 The riots occurred after plans were announced to house international protection applicants in a former factory.