37岁的阿尔及利亚男子Yassing Boutank在爱尔兰因假护照违反移民法而被定罪,被判处9个月徒刑,缓刑5个月。 37-year-old Algerian man, Yassing Boutank, convicted in Ireland for immigration law violation on false passport, receives 9-month sentence with 5 months suspended.
37岁的阿尔及利亚男子Yassing Bounak在承认持假护照旅行后,因违反移民法而在爱尔兰被定罪。 Yassing Boutank, a 37-year-old Algerian man, was convicted in Ireland for violating immigration laws after admitting to traveling on a false passport. 最初因窃听电话被捕,他承认对移民指控认罪。 Initially arrested for phone theft, he pleaded guilty to immigration charges. 他被判处9个月徒刑,缓期5个月,取决于是否满足包括提供身份证件和与缓刑处接触在内的条件。 He received a nine-month sentence, with five months suspended, contingent on meeting conditions including providing identity documents and engaging with the Probation Service. 如不遵守,可启动缓刑。 Failure to comply may activate the suspended sentence.