27岁的Christopher Byrne被指控偷窃记者的iPhone, 据称他在都柏林的一次移民抗议中偷窃记者的iPhone。 27-year-old Christopher Byrne was charged with theft for allegedly stealing a journalist's iPhone during an immigration protest in Dublin.
27 岁的克里斯托弗·伯恩 (Christopher Byrne) 因涉嫌于 4 月 6 日在都柏林库洛克的移民抗议活动中从记者保罗·康诺利 (Paul Connolly) 那里偷走一部 iPhone 而面临指控。 Christopher Byrne, 27, faces charges for allegedly stealing an iPhone from journalist Paul Connolly during an immigration protest in Coolock, Dublin, on April 6. 最初被控暴力扰乱治安,并拥有窃取的电话,但指控已升级为盗窃。 Initially charged with violent disorder and possessing a stolen phone, the charges have been upgraded to theft. Byrne被剥夺了保释权,仍然在押,其案件提交巡回法院,巡回法院定罪后最多可判处10年徒刑。 Byrne was denied bail and remains in custody, with his case directed to the Circuit Court, where convictions could result in a maximum sentence of 10 years.