Unicoi县医院获得了9.8M FEMA赠款,用于在海伦飓风洪水后重建。 Unicoi County Hospital gets $9.8M FEMA grant to rebuild after Hurricane Helene flooding.
田纳西州Erwin的Unicoi县医院收到了FEMA提供的一笔980万美元的赠款,用于重建9月遭受海伦飓风洪水严重破坏后的重建工作。 Unicoi County Hospital in Erwin, Tennessee, received a $9.8 million grant from FEMA to rebuild after being severely damaged by Hurricane Helene's floods in September. 该医院于2018年完工,受到重击,洪水达到8英尺以上,摧毁了房间,需要用飞机和船只撤离50多人。 The hospital, completed in 2018, was hit hard with floodwaters reaching over 8 feet, destroying rooms and requiring the evacuation of over 50 people by air and boat. FEMA的捐款为7 389 240美元,其余由非联邦基金支付。 FEMA's contribution is $7,389,240, with the remainder covered by non-federal funds.