飓风海伦在田纳西东部造成历史性洪水,破坏了诺利胡基大坝的发电站。 Hurricane Helene caused historic flooding in East Tennessee, damaging the Nolichucky Dam's powerhouse.
飓风海伦娜在田纳西东部造成史无前例的洪灾,诺利胡基大坝的水流量每秒达到130万加仑,大大超过以往的记录。 Hurricane Helene caused unprecedented flooding in East Tennessee, with water flow at the Nolichucky Dam reaching 1.3 million gallons per second, significantly surpassing previous records. 虽然大坝本身的结构仍然健全,但发电站遭受了无法弥补的破坏,并将被拆毁。 While the dam itself remained structurally sound, the powerhouse suffered irreparable damage and will be demolished. 田纳西河谷管理局(TVA)正在进行修复和调查,以确保大坝的安全,避免了大约4.06亿美元的潜在洪水破坏。 The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) is conducting repairs and investigations to ensure the dam's safety, having prevented an estimated $406 million in potential flood damages. 清理工作可能需要一至两年。 Cleanup may take one to two years.