伦敦医生警告说,过量的能量饮料会因高咖啡因和糖分而损害肾脏。 London doctor warns excessive energy drinks can damage kidneys due to high caffeine and sugar.
伦敦全科医生 Sermed Mezher 博士警告说,过量饮用能量饮料会损害肾脏。 A London GP, Dr. Sermed Mezher, warns that excessive consumption of energy drinks can damage kidneys. 他确定了三种风险:高咖啡因水平会升高血压并产生利尿作用,导致脱水,而高糖会影响血糖,尤其是在容易患糖尿病的人中。 He identifies three risks: high caffeine levels can raise blood pressure and have a diuretic effect causing dehydration, while high sugar can impact blood sugar, especially in those prone to diabetes. 他的警告得到了一名妇女在饮用大量能量饮料后出现肾脏和肝脏问题的案例研究的支持。 His warning is supported by a case study of a woman who developed kidney and liver problems after consuming many energy drinks. 适度使用被认为是安全的,但随着时间的推移过量食用可能是有害的。 Moderate use is considered safe, but excessive consumption over time can be harmful.