研究发现,含糖饮料会增加心脏风险,比偶尔的甜食更有风险。 Study finds sugary drinks raise heart risks more than occasional sweet treats.
隆德大学的一项新研究表明,虽然食用含糖饮料会增加心脏病、中风和其他心血管问题的风险,但偶尔提供甜食治疗不会造成同样的风险。 A new study from Lund University indicates that while consuming sugary drinks increases the risk of heart failure, stroke, and other cardiovascular issues, having occasional sweet treats does not pose the same risks. 研究人员分析了瑞典两项组群研究的69 000多名参与者提供的数据,发现通常在饮料中发现的液体糖比固体食品中的糖更会增加健康风险。 Researchers analyzed data from over 69,000 participants in two Swedish cohort studies and found that liquid sugars, commonly found in drinks, elevate health risks more than sugars from solid foods. 该研究表明,食糖摄入的类型和背景是评估健康影响的关键因素。 The study suggests that the type and context of sugar intake are crucial factors in assessing health impacts.