由于冰冷,GoJet Airlines飞机从滑行道滑到圣路易机场的草地上;没有人受伤。 GoJet Airlines plane slid off taxiway into grass at St. Louis airport due to icy conditions; no injuries.
星期三上午,GoJet Airlines运营的一架联合区域喷气式飞机在降落后由于冰冷状况在圣路易斯·兰伯特国际机场的滑行道上滑下。 On Wednesday morning, a United Regional Jet operated by GoJet Airlines slid off the taxiway at St. Louis Lambert International Airport after landing, due to icy conditions. 这架飞机载有27名乘客和机组人员,降落在11-29跑道上,进入一片草地。 The plane, carrying 27 passengers and crew, landed on Runway 11-29 and entered a grassy area. 没有人员受伤的报告,乘客乘坐公共汽车被送往终点站。 No injuries were reported, and passengers were transported to the terminal by bus. 联邦航空管理局正在调查这一事件,该飞机的定期航班已改派到另一架飞机。 The Federal Aviation Administration is investigating the incident, and scheduled flights for the aircraft have been reassigned to another plane.