由于冬季暴风雨,美国航空公司的航班从滑行道飞到密歇根机场的雪中,没有伤亡报告。 American Airlines flight veers off taxiway into snow at Michigan airport due to winter storm, no injuries reported.
12月4日, Piedmont航空公司经营的一架美国航空公司航班从滑行道飞下,由于冬季暴风雨,飞入密歇根特拉弗斯市樱桃首都机场的雪中。 On December 4th, an American Airlines flight operated by Piedmont Airlines veered off the taxiway and into the snow at Traverse City's Cherry Capital Airport in Michigan due to winter storm conditions. 载有44名乘客和3名机组人员的Embera 145型飞机在事件发生时降落后正乘出租车前往终点站。 The Embraer 145 aircraft, with 44 passengers and three crew members, was taxiing to the terminal after landing when the incident occurred. 没有报告有人受伤,所有乘客均被安全运至终点站。 No injuries were reported, and all passengers were safely transported to the terminal.