Scottsdale机场的飞机坠毁造成1人死亡,多人受伤,关闭了调查设施。 Plane crash at Scottsdale Airport kills one, injures multiple, closing the facility for investigation.
2月10日当地时间下午2: 45左右, 亚利桑那州的斯科特斯代尔机场发生飞机失事。 A plane crash occurred at Scottsdale Airport in Arizona on February 10th around 2:45 pm local time. A Learjet 35A从跑道上下来,与一条海湾流200商务喷气机相撞,造成至少一人死亡和多人受伤。 A Learjet 35A veered off the runway and collided with a Gulfstream 200 business jet, resulting in at least one fatality and multiple injuries. 机场已经关闭,联邦航空管理局在对事件进行调查期间暂时停止了飞往该地区的航班。 The airport has been closed, and the Federal Aviation Administration has temporarily halted flights to the area while the incident is investigated. 紧急救援人员正在现场 坠机的确切原因仍然不明 Emergency crews are on the scene, and the exact cause of the crash is still unknown.