一架波音 737 飞机在起飞时滑出塞内加尔主要机场的跑道。 A Boeing 737 skidded off the runway at Senegal's main airport during take-off.
一架波音 737 飞机在塞内加尔主要机场滑出跑道,造成 10 人受伤。 A Boeing 737 plane skidded off the runway at Senegal's main airport, causing injuries to 10 people. 事件发生在飞机起飞期间,视频显示乘客逃离燃烧的飞机并使用紧急滑梯抵达安全地带。 The incident occurred during take-off, with footage showing passengers fleeing the burning aircraft and taking the emergency slides to safety. 近期,波音公司的飞机发生一系列事故,其安全记录的危机日益加深。 This comes amidst a deepening crisis for Boeing's safety record, following a string of recent incidents involving their planes.