联航飞机撞上了迈阿密机场的餐饮卡车,翻转并损坏了飞机。 United Airlines plane hits catering truck at Miami airport, flipping it and damaging the aircraft.
美国联航公司的波音737-900飞机在迈阿密国际机场被拖车撞上了一辆餐饮卡车,卡车翻了过来,飞机的机翼受损. A United Airlines Boeing 737-900 plane struck a catering truck at Miami International Airport while being towed, flipping the truck over and damaging the aircraft's wing. 当时没有任何乘客在船上,事件正在接受检查。 No passengers were on board at the time, and the incident is under inspection. 这是继最近发生的另一起事件之后,在夏威夷一架联航飞机的轮子井中发现了一具尸体。 This follows another recent incident where a body was found in the wheel well of a United plane in Hawaii.