美联储面临对可能损害经济的做法的批评,促使新的监督立法出台。 The Federal Reserve faces criticism over practices that could harm the economy, prompting new oversight legislation.
美联储因批评者说可能危害美国经济及全球金融稳定的做法而遭枪击。 The Federal Reserve is under fire for practices that critics say could harm the U.S. economy and global financial stability. 美联储的战略涉及高利率借贷和投资于政府债券,引起对经济增长和私人投资的关切。 The Fed's strategy involves borrowing at high rates and investing in government bonds, raising concerns about economic growth and private investment. 2009年以来,美联储的资产负债表膨胀了822%,部分原因是风险投资。 The Fed's balance sheet has swelled by 822% since 2009, partly due to risky investments. Rick Scott参议员提出的立法旨在限制美联储的行动并引入监督。 Legislation introduced by Senator Rick Scott aims to limit the Fed's actions and introduce oversight. 批评者还声称,美联储的政策偏向于金融精英,给普通美国人造成不稳定和困难。 Critics also allege that the Fed's policies favor financial elites, causing instability and hardships for ordinary Americans.