美联储因风险投资和缺乏透明度而受到批评,这促使了新的立法。 Federal Reserve faces criticism over risky investments and lack of transparency, prompting new legislation.
美联储因其金融行为而受到抨击,批评人士称这可能会危及美元和全球经济。 The Federal Reserve is under fire for its financial practices, which critics say could endanger the U.S. dollar and global economy. 美联储的策略涉及风险投资,导致其资产负债表自 2009 年以来增长了 822%。 The Fed's strategy involves risky investments, leading to a 822% growth in its balance sheet since 2009. 这促使参议员里克·斯科特 (Rick Scott) 提出监督和透明度立法。 This has sparked Senator Rick Scott to introduce legislation for oversight and transparency.