美国财政部长珍妮特·耶伦支持通过监管维持稳定的金融体系,反对银行资本削减。 US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen supports maintaining stable financial system through regulation and opposes bank capital cuts.
美国财政部长珍妮特·耶伦强调,必须通过深思熟虑的监管和反对削减银行资本要求来维持稳定的金融体系。 US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen emphasized the importance of maintaining a stable financial system through thoughtful regulation and opposing cuts to bank capital requirements. 她在纽约会议上发言指出,2007-2009年金融危机后的改革加强了联合国系统应对各种挑战的能力。 Speaking at a New York conference, she noted that reforms from the 2007-2009 financial crisis have strengthened the system against various challenges. Yellen重申《多德-弗兰克法》在促进经济的复原力和创新方面的作用,强调持续需要有效监管。 Yellen reaffirmed the Dodd-Frank Act's role in promoting resilience and innovation within the economy, underscoring the ongoing need for effective regulation.