美联储的做法因可能损害美国和全球经济而面临审查,呼吁加强监督。 Fed practices facing scrutiny for potentially harming U.S. and global economies, amid calls for more oversight.
批评人士称,美联储(Federal Reserve)的做法可能损害美国经济和全球金融稳定,因此正在接受审查。 The Federal Reserve is under scrutiny for practices that critics say could harm the U.S. economy and global financial stability. 美联储的高利率借款和投资政府债券的策略被视为有风险的,导致其资产负债表自 2009 年以来增长了 822%。 The Fed's strategy of borrowing at high rates and investing in government bonds is seen as risky, contributing to a 822% growth in its balance sheet since 2009. 参议员里克·斯科特 (Rick Scott) 提出了一项立法,以加强监督和透明度。 Senator Rick Scott has proposed legislation to increase oversight and transparency. 此外,美联储的政策,包括利率纵和大规模救助,被指责偏袒金融精英,导致普通美国人陷入经济困难。 Additionally, the Fed's policies, including interest rate manipulation and major bailouts, have been accused of favoring financial elites and contributing to economic hardship for ordinary Americans.