Balfour Beatty在Nottingham的Trent河上建造一座85米长的新桥获得12.6百万英镑。 Balfour Beatty gets £12.6M to build a new 85-meter bridge over the River Trent in Nottingham.
Balfour Beatty获得1 260万英镑的合同,在诺丁汉的Trent河上建造一座新的85米长的拱桥。 Balfour Beatty has been awarded a £12.6 million contract to build a new 85-meter long arch bridge over the River Trent in Nottingham. 该桥定于2025/26年冬季完工,将把特伦特河流域社区与河南岸的体育设施连接起来,为骑自行车者和行人提供安全通道。 Scheduled for completion in winter 2025/26, the bridge will connect the Trent Basin community to sports facilities on the south side of the river, providing a safe route for cyclists and pedestrians. 该项目由转型城市基金供资,将创造100多个就业机会,预计将加强该地区的可持续旅行。 The project, funded by the Transforming Cities Fund, will create over 100 jobs and is expected to enhance sustainable travel in the area.