计划在爱尔兰国家战争纪念花园Liffey河入口建造58米行人/自行车桥。 58-meter pedestrian/cycle bridge planned for River Liffey entrance to Irish National War Memorial Gardens.
公共工程办公室计划在利菲河上建造一座58米长的行人和自行车桥,作为爱尔兰国家战争纪念花园在岛桥的仪式入口。 The Office of Public Works (OPW) plans to build a 58-meter pedestrian and cycle bridge over the River Liffey, serving as a ceremonial entrance to the Irish National War Memorial Gardens in Islandbridge. 这座桥梁每天黄昏关闭,改善访客进出。 The bridge will close daily at dusk and improve visitor access. 它将在欧洲的场外建造,运往都柏林。 It will be constructed off-site in Europe and transported to Dublin. 预计不久将就规划应用作出决定,以待对业务细节作出澄清。 A decision on the planning application is anticipated soon, pending clarification on operational details.