维多利亚州在2月13日宣布全面禁止火灾,因为火灾风险很高,警告可能出现干雷. Victoria imposes a total fire ban on Feb 13 due to high fire risks, warning of potential dry lightning.
2月13日,由于高温和强风,维多利亚中北部、西南部和中部地区将全面禁火。 A Total Fire Ban is set for Feb 13 in North Central, South West, and Central regions of Victoria due to high temperatures and strong winds. CAFA警告潜在的干闪电,敦促公众遵守严格的条件,制定防火计划。 CFA warns of potential dry lightning and urges the public to follow strict conditions and have a fire plan. 最近的数据显示,在2019年至2024年期间,有1 010起火灾发生在火灾危险期,187起火灾发生在全面禁火日,对违反者处以罚款和监禁。 Recent data shows 1,010 fires started during the Fire Danger Period and 187 on Total Fire Ban days between 2019 and 2024, with penalties including fines and imprisonment for violations.