Corindhap附近的一片草地火灾,由棚屋火灾引发,引发疏散,以及守望与行动警告。 A grass fire near Corindhap, sparked by a shed fire, prompts evacuations and a Watch and Act warning.
巴拉瑞特以南科林达普的棚火引发了一场草地火灾,促使 1 月 27 日发出了“观察和行动”警告。 A grass fire sparked by a shed fire in Corindhap, south of Ballarat, prompted a Watch and Act warning on January 27. 火势迅速蔓延,有25辆消防车和一架来自巴拉拉特的直升机在协助。 The fire spread rapidly, with 25 firefighting vehicles and a helicopter from Ballarat assisting. 它正在向东南方向移动 It's moving southeast towards Shelford. 由于气温高达30多度,全面禁火令已经生效。 A Total Fire Ban is in place as temperatures hit the high 30s. Barunah公园、Corindhap、Rokewood、Shilderord和Warrambine等地的当局建议居民,如果不准备留下来,就离开。 Authorities advise residents in Barunah Park, Corindhap, Rokewood, Shelford, and Warrambine to leave if not prepared to stay.