英国税务当局警告骗局激增,建议不要分享个人详情。 UK tax authority warns of surge in scams, advising against sharing personal details.
皇家税务和海关(HMRC)警告说,税收骗局将增加16.7%,今年有144 298起举报,经常涉及假减税。 HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) has warned of a 16.7% rise in tax scams, with 144,298 reported this year, often involving fake tax rebates. HMRC强调,他们从不威胁法律行动,也不通过短信或语音信箱索取个人详细资料。 HMRC stresses they never threaten legal action or ask for personal details via text or voicemail. 如需咨询,个人应查看gov.uk网站,并报告可疑的通信情况。 For advice, individuals should check the gov.uk website and report suspicious communications to HMRC.