2名男子因走私假冒的印度货币1,90,500卢比被判处7年徒刑。 Two men are sentenced to seven years for smuggling fake Rs 1,90,500 in Indian currency.
两名男子,Md Mumtaz和Md Baitullah,因走私价值1,90,500卢比的假印度货币,被帕塔纳的NIA法院判处7年徒刑。 Two men, Md Mumtaz and Md Baitullah, have been sentenced to seven years in prison by an NIA court in Patna for their role in smuggling fake Indian currency worth Rs 1,90,500. 该货币以2,000卢比和500卢比为单位,是尼泊尔和孟加拉国个人参与的旨在破坏印度经济稳定的计划的一部分。 The currency, in denominations of Rs 2,000 and Rs 500, was part of a scheme involving Nepalese and Bangladeshi individuals aiming to destabilize India's economy. 另有4名嫌疑人仍然在逃。 Four other suspects are still at large.