三名孟加拉国男子因非法入境和在印度使用伪造证件被判处五年监禁。 Three Bangladeshi men sentenced to five years for illegal entry and using fake documents in India.
孟买的一家NIA特别法院判处三名孟加拉国国民五年监禁,并因非法进入印度和使用伪造证件,每人罚款2,000卢比。 A special NIA court in Mumbai has sentenced three Bangladeshi nationals to five years in prison and fined them Rs 2,000 each for illegally entering India and using fake documents. 该案件始于2018年,当时Pune警察登记了一份关于孟加拉国无证件国民在Pune的报告。 The case began in 2018 when the Pune Police registered a report about undocumented Bangladeshi nationals in Pune. NIA调查并指控他们超期居留,使用伪造证件,以及根据印度各种法律密谋伪造证件。 The NIA investigated and charged them for overstaying, using forged documents, and conspiracy related to document forgery under various Indian laws.