印度当局对自2020年以来的大规模海洛因贩运、洗钱行为提出三重指控。 Indian authorities charge trio with large-scale heroin trafficking, money laundering since 2020.
印度执法局对Qazi Abdul Wadood、Razi Haider及其同伙提出起诉,指控他们与查获200公斤海洛因有关的贩毒活动。 The Enforcement Directorate in India has filed charges against Qazi Abdul Wadood, Razi Haider, and their associates for drug trafficking linked to the seizure of 200 kg of heroin. 古吉拉特的反恐小组发起的调查发现,嫌疑人自2020年以来一直在贩运毒品,通过正规和非正规银行渠道向迪拜洗钱。 The investigation, initiated by Gujarat's Anti-Terrorism Squad, found the suspects have been trafficking drugs since 2020, laundering money through formal and informal banking routes to Dubai. 该案仍在审理中。 The case is ongoing.