一名巴基斯坦男子在迪拜因抢劫两名印度人奢侈品而被判处一年监禁。 A Pakistani man is sentenced to a year in prison in Dubai for robbing two Indians of luxury goods.
一名28岁的巴基斯坦男子因2024年4月在刀口抢劫两名印度国民,被迪拜法庭判处一年监禁。 A 28-year-old Pakistani man was sentenced to a year in prison by a Dubai court for robbing two Indian nationals at knifepoint in April 2024. 盗窃包括100部高档移动电话和62个奢侈手表,价值超过300 000迪拉姆,以及个人物品。 The theft included 100 high-end mobile phones and 62 luxury watches, valued at over Dh300,000, along with personal items. 尽管他否认这些指控,但他被定罪、罚款,在服刑后将被驱逐出境。 Despite denying the charges, he was convicted, fined, and will be deported after serving his sentence. 警方仍在搜寻他的帮凶 Police are still searching for his accomplices.