印度警方在一次伪造货币的搜捕中逮捕了6名印度警察,以假钞没收了超过56万卢比。 Indian police arrested six in a counterfeit currency bust, seizing over 56 lakh rupees in fake notes.
印度警方在Telangana逮捕了6人,罪名是进行伪造货币交易,以伪造货币和设备没收了56万卢比。 Indian police arrested six individuals in Telangana for a counterfeit currency operation, seizing over 56 lakh rupees in fake currency and equipment. 来自各州的八人黑帮在全国印制和散发假币。 The eight-member gang, from various states, printed and distributed counterfeit money across the country. 警察仍在寻找两名嫌犯,Kamlesh和Sukhram。 The police are still searching for two suspects, Kamlesh and Sukhram.