Ofwat对泰晤士河水公司因未能完成812个环境项目而提起执法诉讼。 Ofwat launches enforcement case against Thames Water for failing to complete 812 environmental projects.
早上好 英国中断报告 水管理者Ofwat 正在启动 一项针对泰晤士河水的执法案件 因为未能提供 812个环境改善计划。 Good Morning Britain interrupted to report that Ofwat, the water regulator, is launching an enforcement case against Thames Water for failing to deliver 812 environmental improvement schemes. 泰晤士河水公司承认,其中100个项目无法在3月完成。 Thames Water admitted that 100 of these projects would not be completed by March. Ofwat将调查可能违反义务的情况并公布调查结果和任何必要的行动。 Ofwat will investigate potential breaches of obligations and publish findings and any necessary actions.