泰晤士水务公司反对 Ofwat 提议的削减开支,并有可能到 2030 年将增加 60% 的账单。Thames Water opposes Ofwat's proposed expenditure cuts, risking 60% bill increase by 2030.
泰晤士水务公司反对 Ofwat 提议的削减支出,称如果不大幅增加账单,他们的业务将变得无法融资和投资。Thames Water argues against Ofwat's proposed expenditure cuts, stating that without significant bill increases, their business becomes unfinanceable and uninvestable.泰晤士河表示到2030年可能需要将客户账单提高近60%。Thames Water says it may need to raise customer bills by nearly 60% by 2030.