由于加沙和以色列的停火,墨尔本支持巴勒斯坦的每周集会改为每月一次。 Melbourne's pro-Palestine weekly rallies shift to monthly due to Gaza-Israel ceasefire.
墨尔本支持巴勒斯坦的集会每周举行一年多, 现在加沙-以色列停火后每月都会举行。 Melbourne's pro-Palestine rallies, held weekly for over a year, will now occur monthly following the Gaza-Israel ceasefire. 组织者誓言,如果停火中断,将增加频率。 Organizers vow to increase frequency if the ceasefire breaks. 由于以色列入侵加沙,集会开始吸引了数万人,尽管当地企业受到政治压力和关切。 Started in response to Israel's Gaza invasion, the rallies have drawn tens of thousands despite political pressure and concerns over local businesses. 转变的目的是维持该运动的势头和效力。 The shift aims to sustain the movement's momentum and effectiveness. 还计划在澳大利亚其他城市举办类似的活动。 Similar events are planned for other Australian cities.