美国的亲巴勒斯坦支持者誓言在挑战面前坚持示威,争取巴勒斯坦人的权利。 Pro-Palestine supporters in the U.S. vow to persist in demonstrations for Palestinian rights amid challenges.
美国的亲巴勒斯坦支持者尽管面临挑战和反对,仍致力于继续示威。 Pro-Palestine supporters in the U.S. are committed to continuing their demonstrations despite challenges and opposition. 他们强调,他们决心倡导巴勒斯坦人的权利,提高对当前冲突的认识。 They emphasize their determination to advocate for Palestinian rights and raise awareness about the ongoing conflict. 组织者强调,他们的集会的目的是促进和平与正义,他们计划在任何逆境面前保持积极活动的势头。 Organizers stress that their rallies aim to promote peace and justice, and they plan to maintain momentum in their activism in the face of any adversity.