澳大利亚倡导团体呼吁停止与以色列的军事合作,结束澳大利亚对加沙危机的介入,暂停军事援助,并出于人权问题终止新西兰参加环太平洋军演。 Australian advocacy groups call for halting military cooperation with Israel, ending Australia's involvement in the Gaza crisis, suspending military aid, and ending New Zealand's participation in RIMPAC due to human rights concerns.
澳大利亚倡导团体呼吁澳大利亚政府停止与以色列的军事合作、结束澳大利亚介入加沙危机并暂停对以色列的军事援助。 Australian advocacy groups urge the Australian government to halt military cooperation with Israel, end Australia's involvement in the Gaza crisis, and suspend military aid and assistance to Israel. 他们还呼吁新西兰停止参加环太平洋军事演习,因为担心新西兰与以色列和其他人权记录有问题的国家一起进行训练。 They also call for an end to New Zealand's participation in RIMPAC military exercises due to concerns about training alongside Israel and other nations with questionable human rights records.