最高法院审理南卡罗来纳州要求取消计划生育资金的上诉,影响国家为堕胎服务提供资金。 Supreme Court to hear South Carolina's appeal to defund Planned Parenthood, impacting state funding of abortion services.
最高法院将听取南卡罗来纳州要求取消计划生育资金的上诉,这个案件可能影响国家资助提供堕胎服务的组织。 The Supreme Court will hear South Carolina's appeal to defund Planned Parenthood, a case that could impact how states fund organizations providing abortion services. 这是第三次将争端提交高等法院。 This is the third time the dispute has reached the high court. Roe诉Wade案允许各州限制或禁止堕胎,在Roe诉Wade案被推翻后,保守派国家削减对生殖保健提供者资金的努力可能会受到影响。 The case could affect efforts by conservative states to cut funding to reproductive healthcare providers following the overturning of Roe v. Wade, which allowed states to restrict or ban abortion.