美国检察官表示,“DWI Enterprise”丑闻中将受到更多指控,阿尔伯克基警官收受贿赂以撤销案件。 U.S. Attorney indicates more charges in "DWI Enterprise" scandal, where Albuquerque officers accepted bribes to drop cases.
美国新墨西哥州检察官Alex Uballez指出, “DWI Enterprises”丑闻可能还会引起更多指控, U.S. Attorney Alex Uballez of New Mexico has indicated that additional charges may be forthcoming in the "DWI Enterprise" scandal, a long-running scheme in Albuquerque where police officers accepted bribes to drop DWI cases. 两名前军官 -- -- Joshua Montaño和Jr. Honorio Alba -- -- 承认了他们的职责,可能面临110年的监禁。 Two former officers, Joshua Montaño and Honorio Alba Jr., have admitted to their roles and could face up to 110 years in prison. 调查还涉及高级官员和地方律师Thomas Clear III,目的是恢复公众对执法的信任。 The investigation also implicates senior officers and local attorney Thomas Clear III, with the aim to restore public trust in law enforcement.